Shipping Policy

Your order does not include freight charges, as we are unable to calculate these charges online and require manual calculations to ensure accuracy. A revised order with freight will be emailed to you within the next few hours provided we are within normal business hours EST, not including weekends. We ask that you respond to our revised quote by selecting "APPROVED" or "CANCEL". We will NOT charge your credit card until your order ships and will not process any order until you APPROVE the revised quote with freight.

Also Please Inform Us of The Following Conditions:

  1. Residential Address
  2. Commercial Address
    Note * commercial address does not include schools, condominium complexes, churches, or apartment buildings. Commercial Address are commercial business establishments.
  3. Limited Access Area – Large trucks cannot access your road or turn around. Yes or No
  4. I have read and understand delivery and freight information. Yes or No
  5. Limited Access Area – Large trucks cannot access your road or turn around. Yes or No
  6. I have read and understand delivery and freight information. Yes or No

When To Expect Your Order

Bear Cans – Usually Ships within 7-10 Business Days, then allow 3 – 7 days transit.

Metal Enclosures | Bear Dumpsters – Build Times 6-8 weeks, then allow 3 – 7 days transit.

Poly Dumpsters – Usually Ship Between 3-6 Weeks, then allow 3 – 7 days transit.

Food Storage Bear Lockers - Usually Ship Between within 6 weeks, then allow 3 – 7 days transit.

Aspen Wooden Enclosures – Build Times approx. 6 weeks, up to 8 weeks during busy season, then allow 3 – 7 days transit.

All Other Wooden Enclosures – Usually Ships within 7-14 Days, then allow 3 – 7 days transit.

Residential Deliveries for Enclosures, Dumpsters and Larger Size Bear Cans, Freight Carrier Will Call and Arrange a Delivery Date and Window of Time, Customer Must Be Home For Delivery and Inspection of Goods.

Freight Costs

The Invoice Amount Line DOES NOT include freight charges on any our Bear Resistant Cans, Varmint Vaults, Enclosures or Dumpster, except when noted on the order. If you Do Not see freight charges appear, this Does NOT mean the freight is free of charge, we are just unable to calculate it online b/c these items usually require a manual freight calculation by our shipping dept. We will email you a revised quote including freight charges within a few hours, except on weekends.

Once you receive the revised quote with the freight amount, we ask that you respond to this email and let us know if its ok to proceed with your order with the word "APPROVED" if you choose to Cancel the order, please sent us an email with the word "Cancel". NOTE - We Will NOT Charge your credit card until your order ships and will not process any order until you APPROVE the revised quote with freight.

Terms and Conditions

Bear Testing

Though BEARicuda Bin™ trash cans have been rigorously tested, we cannot make with a 100% guarantee that a bear or any other animal will never penetrate any of our cans, bins, sheds, or enclosures, those that are designated as Bear Resistant/proof. No wood enclosures are bear resistant, only metal ones. All animals are unpredictable and many (such as bears, squirrels, rats, mice, and raccoons can be tenacious and have very sharp teeth). All our cans and enclosures have been an effective deterrent against many types of animals in which most do not penetrate our product although the product maybe damaged in certain instances because this is the byproduct of having an animal penetrating your trash. Because this kind of damage can occur Bearicuda Bins, Inc will not refund or replace the product. Example, squirrels, rats, mice, raccoons because of the sharp teeth and after prolonged periods of time could potentially gnaw into the can where other larger animals cannot access. This is not common but must be noted. As always please contact us with any concerns or questions. NOTE: Do Not Order Any of our Wooden Enclosures If you need an Enclosure to Be Bear Resistant, Only Metal Enclosures will be an effective deterrent!


You must Notate any DAMAGE at time of delivery to the driver and on the Bill of Lading (write directly on BOL DAMAGED and Take a PICTURE of the damage. You have the right to refuse the freight because of extensive damage But Do NOT return freight for something minor as most times we can easily correct most smaller issues. If damage is not notated or if customer does not inspect claims could be refused, Do Not allow driver to leave before you inspect items thoroughly. Please retain a copy from the driver of the bill of lading with any notes you have written on the BOL. Notify Bearicuda and call the carrier immediately, do not wait. We must receive any issues that same day No Later. BOL and Picture of damage is required and an email sent to

Carrier Service is only obligated to drop delivery at the top of the driveway, they will usually bring the delivery down the driveway but that is at the discretion of the driver based upon the conditions on the ground.


Shipments will be delivered to or as close to the purchaser's property line (curbside), provided the location is deemed accessible by the delivering freight carrier. It is recommended that the Purchaser have an assistant to help offload the freight from the truck if purchasing one of our larger items (Enclosures, Dumpsters, Bear Cans etc). The Purchaser must inspect the freight prior to unloading and is expected to document any damage on the Shipping Document "Delivery Receipt" or "Bill of Lading" provided by the delivering carrier. Also please inform us if you are in a Limited Access Area and a Tractor Trailer Cannot Access Your Road, if you do not inform us of these transportation limitations you maybe required to meet the carrier at a location where the trucker can safely hand off the order (This could be at the end of your road or a parking lot at a local store. Please be home for all scheduled appointments.