
Hear what customers are saying about our bear proof garbage cans

We have had this same can for over two years and it has worked flawlessly. It is attacked regularly, almost every night, from August to November. They have not gotten into once and it is not damaged at all. We have even had to fish it out of the river because the bear is pissed that he can’t get in. It is a great product and you should buy it.

John Buchschacher - 8/20/19

We are big fans just for this reason, we live on a river in Colorado and have a bears constantly trying to break into our trash and we're so thankful for your product! It really works!

April May Buchschacher - 8/11/19

(comments on Bearicuda Stealth Can)

We've had several large bears try to break into ours multiple times and they only scratched it. Maybe a grizzly would be able to break in, but I don't see a black bear breaking in unless he gets lucky.

Andrew Crowell - 5/15/19

(comments on Bearicuda Basic Can)

We watched this out our back window last night! That's the 96 gallon one, so these were two (probably young) adults.

I've had a bear roll it across my front yard, but gives up cause he can't open it! Just last night as a matter of fact!!! LOVE BEARACUDA BINS❤

Colleen Nichols - 12/7/18

(comments on Bearicuda Stealth Can)

American Disposal Services - Reston definitely needs these cans. The raccoons are loving what you have us use now. Not everyone has a garage to store them in and not everyone is willing to freeze their food waste until pick-up day.

Constance Rue Hartke - 4/20/18

(comments on Bearicuda Stealth Can)

I live in the foothills of Colorado and have had my bearicuda bin well over 10 years now. Never has a bear gotten into it. It's been moved, I've seen muddy bear prints on it, but not once have I had to wake up to garbage strewn across my lawn!!. It's also contains smells, so bears aren't even terribly interested in it. Very affordable option for a bear-proof garbage can!!.

Kevin Teaff - 7/1/2018

(comments on Bearicuda Basic Can)

We have one or two visit and come on the front porch. Trash cans are put out late in the day and no problems have ever existed.

Dave Sullivan - 5/12/18

(comments on Bearicuda Basic Can)

We have used these bearicuda trashcans for 8 years at our cabins by the Great Smoky Mountains National Park - they work very well but it is still important to put really smelly things (like bacon grease) in a freezer bag in your freezer until the day the garbage gets picked up. Keep our wildlife safe! They're not the problem - it's your garbage and bird feeders (put them away at night).

Above the Clouds - 6/3/2015

Your Stealth can worked great! Here's a security camera video of a bear trying and failing to get into your Stealth can.

Lance M., Lake Naomi, PA - July 1, 2013

Hello, I ordered one of your Stealth cans a few months back and I just wanted to say how pleased I am with it. It's been tested several times already! On one attempt, the bear took a small bite where the lid connects to the can and gave up. Thank you for creating such a quality product.

Amy G., Cripple Creek, CO - June 2013

"The Most Beautiful Garbage Can Enclosure We Have Ever Seen"

Good morning Kevin,

Just a quick note to tell you how delighted I am with the two-can trash bin from Bearicuda! Not only that, but the fellow from R& L Carrier who delivered it couldn't have been nicer: he not only unloaded it from his truck but he helped me put it in its place, jockeying it around with his swivel dolly, not an easy job in the rain. My husband was very dubious about what "we" were getting but when he came home and saw it he said, "That's the most beautiful trash bin container I've ever seen!" And that's an exact quote.

Many thanks for a great product, and happy holidays to you and everyone at Bearicuda. What a great company! 

Gay Squire - 12/16/2011

Ok. So it was EXPENSIVE. But, now I have to say it was worth it. Irene hit NJ and I lost all power midnight on 8/27. With no generator (you can bet I'll be getting one), last night I had to throw away all of the food in my refrigerator, plus the meat and stuff in the freezer, right into my bericuda for pick-up this morning. Heard the can go down during the night. Got up this morning and couldn't find it. The bear had dragged it across the road into a neighbor's lawn. It's scratched, it's muddy, it has all kinds of claw marks on it, but THE BEAR LEFT EMPTY-HANDED! Nada. It got nothing out of the can. I'm a believer.

P. Togno, Hardwick, NJ - 9/7/2011

I just wanted to send you a note to say how impressed I am with your honesty as a business person! I have been desperately trying to solve a garbage storage problem, and with the large size order i placed with you online, i am grateful that you personally called me to actually talk me OUT of my purchase! That level of service is unheard of, and you saved me a lot of money today! Thank you so much.

C. Wallack, Riverside, CT - 9/6/2011

My husband and I purchased one of your garbage cans, I think in 2009. So far the garbage can has withstood numerous bear break-in attempts successfully. I wanted to write about the latest one though because I believe it is a testimont to the quality of your product. My husband and I were doing yardwork today and he noticed the Bearicuda was missing. It was very windy this afternoon so we thought it was blown across the lawn. My search found no container over the banks or around the yard. My husband's search, however, produced the missing container about 500 feet into the woods. A bear had taken the garbage can from the side of our house and carried it up a hill into the woods to get at the household garbage inside. The bear was unsuccessful at getting to the contents, but he did chew a sizeable piece out of the container's lid. We took photos because the teeth marks are remarkable not to mention the effort that the bear put into trying to get into the container. Unfortunately, we now need a new lid, but once again our Bearicuda is victorious over the black bear.

Tina Palecek, Eldred, NY - 5/8/10

I bought two 95 gallon Bearicuda garbage cans and they have performed even better than I expected. We have this one bear that is a real pest getting into our cans and making a big mess. Since I got the Bearicuda cans we haven't had to clean up any messes. We watched him tlast weekend as he tried to get in, but the bear couldn't and he finally got frustrated and left. I am recommending the Bearicuda can to all my neighbors.

L. Cavallo, Watertown, CT - 1/24/08

"I recently purchased a BEARicuda 95 gallon bin. The BEARicuda bin was delivered in 48 hours from the time of order placement and put to the test. My garage had been broken into twice by a 350 pound male black bear; I placed the Bearicuda Bin outside. This morning the bin was gone. Fortunately, it was soon retrieved from the wooded area nearby, unopened and intact with no visible damage. Quality, features, and service were outstanding and I have recommended the product to friends and neighbors who have suffered similar intrusions."

B. Eisenberg NH - July 2007

Just to let you know I can give you a testimonial that the yellow can is bear proof. The bear visited my house last night and the can was full of garbage. The bear rolled the can about 50 feet and gave up trying when it could not be opened. This bear was a medium size. This was the second time the bear tried to get it open. The first time the can was empty and the can had a few teeth marks and mud from his paws. Still the can could not be opened. The garbage collectors also don't seem to have any trouble unscrewing it. I thought I would share this information with you. Thanks again and good luck with your cause.

--B.G., Sparta - December 8, 2003


The yellow can has still not been able to be opened by any bear that tried. Just this morning we were awakened by a loud noise at 5am. It was still dark and our outside sensor light came on. My wife and I when to the back door and there was this huge bear trying to open the yellow can. The can had garbage in it. This bear was over 500 lbs in my estimate. He could not unscrew it or collapse it. He tried for no more then 5 minutes and left. If this big bear could not get the can open, I think the can is truly bear proof. Thanks again. Bernie Gobel and Family, Sparta, NJ - 4/4/05

Note: Testimonial is through the Bear Education and Resource Group in New Jersey who started this project to help provide their community with an affordable and effective solution to prevent bears from entereing neighborhoods looking for food. At the time this project started the cans were only available in yellow. Since then the 30 gallon bearproof can has changed to brown and many other sizes are available today.