Meet Our 3 Little Bears

Dear Friends,
Meet my wife Kerri, daughters Brooke and Madison and the biggest Bear of all Luke! We do everything together as a family and when it comes to finding solutions for some of the most challenging animals that enjoy rummaging through your trash it all begins with my kids. Luke, my youngest, enjoys jumping on dad every night, pounding on my chest and pinning me down. But even Luke met his match upon the introduction of our Stealth Bearicuda Bin.

Madison and Brooke enjoy helping just as much, but my girls see things a little differently. Comments like, "Dad your cans are ugly". They should have pretty bows, pink ribbons, and more colors. I must admit, pink bows and ribbons never came to mind, but they did give me one of the best ideas ever. Why not manufacture the best-looking bear-resistant garbage cans and enclosures on the market. Cans and enclosures with a sleeker, more refined design with better curb appeal yet is the most effective when it comes to keeping bears and other animals out of your trash. Hence, an entire line of Bear Proof dumpsters, enclosures, garbage cans, food storage lockers and much more brought to you by the “Three Little Bears”.

Our 3 Little Bears

Best Sellers

Funny Bear Videos

The Reunion

Gotta Fight Back

Raccoon Chit Chat

Dancing Queen